Hello and welcome

Hi, welcome to my website and welcome to the blog area. This area will be updated as often as possible, and new content will be added to the website as often as needed.

I have added some social media buttons to the top of each website page, at the moment I’ve only got links setup for my Linkedin and my Instagram as these are the only 2 social networks I use. I will be setting up a Facebook page/group and also a YouTube channel in the coming months and once they are setup I will add the links both on this page and also at the top of the website pages.

I’ve set this website up to show my skills, which are varied between Ecommerce and Website Development.

My main focus in on Ecommerce, principally my eBay Shop which I am slowly building up over the next few weeks and months. I have a few years experience in website development – mainly WordPress which is a skill I don’t want to “lose” so I adding a bit of focus on this as well.

Take a look around my website, I will add a contact form, or have a look at my social media (Linkedin and Instagram) or ebay Shop and feel free to follow me and/or message me through there.